Thursday, 25 December 2008

Merry christmas!

Hello all!!

Merry christmas from Cambodia :-)

It has been quite a let down today, Jon and Justin are both illl with food related issues. They have both spent the day in the bathroom, and Cairine and I have had to nurse them all day. Therefore I have done nothing today!! I managed to get a quick chritsmas curry in this afternoon, but I am headed for an early night with a good book! Never mind, we will make up for it when they are better.

We are now in Siem Reap, and will (hopefully) visit the temples of ANgkor Wat tomorrow. I have been before, but I think it will still be as impressive next time round.

Weather is pleasantly warm, perfect for wondering around. We have a nice pool at the hotel, so I have been able to relax there all day today.

Hope everyone had a lovely christmas, I have been thinking of you all

Lots of love

1 comment:

  1. All sounds really wonderful... can't wait to join you!x
